News Article – US Army new (IrvinGQ) HUPRA technology will save airborne troops lives!


A fully deployed Hung Jumper Release System safely carries a test mannequin to the ground during U.S. Army testing on a new system to help prevent issues with towed jumps (Credit: U.S. Army)
A fully deployed Hung Jumper Release System safely carries a test mannequin to the ground during U.S. Army testing on a new system to help prevent issues with towed jumps
(Credit: U.S. Army)

“Until recently, there were two ways to help a towed jumper, which occurs when the static line attached to the aircraft anchor cable becomes tangled with the jumper and/or the equipment and the parachute is not released — cut the jumper’s static line so the Soldier can deploy his or her reserve parachute or pull the Soldier back into the aircraft. Both scenarios are dangerous because the Soldier is dragged alongside or behind the aircraft until he is either released or pulled into the aircraft.

In March 2017, in an effort to eliminate the possibility of a towed jumper situation, the Aerial Delivery Directorate’s Airdrop Technology team submitted a project proposal to the U.S. Army Foreign Comparative Testing Program, which is embedded in RDECOM’s Global Technology Office, as part of their annual call for proposals. The proposal was selected, enabling the Airdrop Technology Team to purchase ten Hung Up Parachutist Release Assemblies, or HUPRA, from the United Kingdom company, IrvinGQ (formerly Airborne Systems Europe) for tests and evaluation.

The HUPRA, which includes an emergency parachute that is released once the Jumpmaster cuts the aircraft anchor line cable, is manufactured by IrvinGQ in the UK. The HUPRA is used by the UK as well as other nations on C-130 and other military aircraft.

By purchasing the system from the UK, the Army saved approximately $500,000 in non-recurring engineering costs and additional costs to develop, integrate and validate a new recovery system…”

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Take a look at the IrvinGQ HUPRA and learn more about this system