Aerial Delivery

IrvinGQ® offers you a sliding scale of support from consultancy through to total support packages

IrvinGQ® is not just a supplier of aerial delivery platforms

We have been trusted innovators in the aerospace and defence industry since 1919, our aerial delivery solutions allow us to shape a world where safety is never just a concept it’s always a commitment.

We work with both marine and land vehicle manufactures at the concept and build stages to ensure the vehicles suitability for air drop, defining the forces and dynamics for all the air drop phases. We work with the customer nations trials unit and lead or assist the qualifications trials as required.

We use 3D CAD models to optimise the craft support and restraint systems we can then provide our integration rig to confirm hull fitment. From this we then develop the rigging scheme and system definition files.

Land Systems

We can provide full rigging schemes and carry out analysis and physical testing on the system using our simulated CHS load tester as well as individual vehicle restraint points.

We provide aerial delivery systems
through the full life cycle









We offer comprehensive solutions that span the entire lifecycle of your project, ensuring seamless integration and superior performance.